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Refine Start
Semi-Independent Housing Provider and Support Services for Young Persons

RefineStart Accommodation Provision and Services

RefineStart Accommodation

Our properties are maintained to safety and high-quality standards. We believe that positive environments impact positively on outcomes for young people. We therefore ensure that all our properties are compliant to safety regulations with fire doors, alarm systems and 24 hours CCTV facilities in place. We also ensure that all our properties are 24 hours staffed to ensure that staff responds appropriately to any safety issue or deal with any emergencies that may arise at the placement. Additionally, we have furnished properties for young people with modern kitchen, toilet, and lounge facilities.

All young people are provided with keys to their own room and exit doors. Young people also receive a resident’s handbook providing everything need to know about living at RefineStart; as well as a comprehensive induction within their first two days in placement.

A telephone is available to residents for incoming calls only however they will be able to make 999 calls. Residents can purchase telephone cards from local shops in order to make personal calls.

Calls to social workers or other professionals can be made from the office telephone, upon request to staff.

2022, 2024 RefineStart - Site Design Developed and Designed by Innovate and Create Web Developers