Client Group
Our main services are provided to young people between the ages of 16–21 years. However, we also provide support services to young people with learning difficulties or for young people who may not be able to move on or live on their own in their permanent accommodations post 18 years of age due to various reasons such as;
- Multiply placement moves which might have disrupted their care planning
- Young people with mental health issues who may not be able to manage their own accommodation without support
- Young people with learning difficulties who may not be able live independently without support
- Young people with gang affiliated and CSE concerns who may not be able to live independently post 16 years and requires safeguarding and ongoing support
- Young people whose permanent accommodations are not ready due to various reasons and who may be bidding for their permanent accommodation
Such young people often need support on different levels, and we are always ready to assist in supporting young people in making these transitions.
We provide timely interventions and support packages for young people in line with their pathway plans and identified needs. We always aim to build positive and trust relationship with our young people which helps in engaging young people, getting to know them better, meeting their needs as well as making it easy for young people to share their worries and issues with our experienced staff for the right level of support to be provided to them.