For assistance regarding the RefineStart's service, please complete the folowing form
Among the range of other service that we provide to our young people includes:
Each young person will be allocated a keyworker / support worker, irrespective of their level of independence. Areas of to be covered as part of the independence living plan during keyworking sessions will include:
Support sessions will usually be held weekly (or more if required) and will focus on young people’s lives, facilitating and developing insight and confidence, whilst accentuating the positives and addressing difficult aspects of young people’s lives. This may cover areas such as substance misuse, criminal activity, anger management, self-awareness, and identity. Staff will also attend relevant meetings and appointments with young people.
House meetings will be held once a month and all young people are encouraged to attend and participate.
Project staff are on site throughout the week and all houses have sleep in staff. There is also an out of hours on call staff.
Young people moving on from RefineStart into their own independent accommodation will be offered up to three outreach sessions in their new home as part of their transitional process and to manage any initial issues and alleviate isolation and anxieties likely to be faced by young people who move on to their own permanent accommodation.>
On request, RefineStart can also provide the below customised services for resident and non-resident young people 18 – 21 years.